DOWNLOAD: Guitar Hero
*NOTE: Due to copyright, Pigstep has been removed from the download. Please use Audacity to add Pigstep into the resource pack (you will need to Tempo Shift the song by -3%).
“Pigstep” can be found in .minecraft\assets\objects\9f\9ffb1791e8aba8f266a673abec1846c3bf8fb8cc
After Tempo Shifting the piece, export as “pigstep_modified.ogg” into Minecraft Guitar Hero – PhoenixSC\\assets\minecraft\sounds
If you’d like to create your own maps for this, here are some updated function files (includes some bug-fixes) for you with annotated guides.
To celebrate reaching 600K YouTube subscribers, I recreated my own version of Guitar Hero in Minecraft! Play Guitar Hero to Lena Raine’s “Pigstep” – or if you so choose, write your very own song (this may take a while, but it’s possible!). This was so much fun to make, and I hope you like it!

This is a Vanilla Minecraft creation by Phoenix SC. It is not Multiplayer compatible.
- Minecraft Version: 1.16.1
- Instructions: Right-click the emerald to start! Use hotbar keys 3-7 to play each note. To play simultaneous notes (chords), press the hotbar keys in quick succession.
- Length: 2 minutes and 27 seconds … for the song. Play as many times as you like!
- Watch the video for some gameplay!
- 99% Accuracy (video)!
- FC!!
- With an actual Guitar Hero Guitar!
- Example of a different song.