DOWNLOAD (map & resource pack): Squid Game v1.1
Removed “Blue Danube” due to copyright claims.
Squid Game in Minecraft – a vanilla Minecraft map inspired by the Netflix show Squid Game
Map built by Shoezilla. This map requires a resource pack to play.
For server operators: Use Spigot/Paper. In spigot.yml, add – /trigger and – /tellraw to spam-exclusions. Enable command blocks.
Operators can select games in the lobby (behind the guards) and enable event mode, which will disable button spamming.
Please note that the map is currently NOT in event mode.
If anything goes wrong and you are not in the lobby, please use /function scripts:game/abort.
Recommended for 6+ players. If you have 50+ players, I recommend skipping Dalgona (game 2) until you have around 25 alive players.
Players should avoid logging out or in during a game.

Artwork by Emmabrine.
Bach – C Major Prelude
Chris Zabriskie – Cylinder Six
Dan Genig – Empire Seasons
Esther Abrami – No.9 Esther’s Waltz
Strauss – Blue Danube
GAME 1: Red Light Green Light || Difficulty: 🥳
Move forward only during a green light. At a red light, you must not walk/sneak (even if you were sneaking at a green light – sneaking is not allowed). Moving your mouse is allowed. Punching air is allowed.
– 5 minute timer.
– 95 blocks from start to finish.
– Avoid the cracks. They will hurt you. And hinder you.
– You have approximately 0.5 seconds to react to a red light change (this is easier in event mode).
– PvP is disabled. Jumping is disabled.
– The doll will look at every player (you cannot hide behind players).
GAME 2: Dalgona || Difficulty: 😠
Choose one of the four available shapes (in chat), and then click on the coloured squares as they show up. Clicking the wrong square even once will eliminate you.
– GUI Scale 3, Width 320, Focused Height 180, Unfocused Height 90.
– 3 minute timer.
– Hover over the squares for hints.
– The squares do not disappear. You need only click the newly highlighted square.
– The umbrella might not be the hardest.
GAME 3: Tug-of-War || Difficulty: 🥵
Form two teams (they should be even teams, ideally). Once the game begins, click the levers attached to the rope as fast as possible. There is only one game.
– No timer.
– CPS (clicks per second) and stamina matter in this game.
– Mathematically, a team needs to click 50 more times than the other to win.
– Don’t walk off the edge. That will also kill you.
GAME 4: Hide-and-Seek || Difficulty: 😣
Players will be split into two even teams – the hiders, and the seekers. Hiders will have 60 seconds to hide in the arena. Then, seekers will have 3 minutes to tag all hiders. Tagging is done by hitting the hider.
– If every hider is found within the time limit, the seekers win. Otherwise, the seekers will be eliminated.
– Being tagged by a seeker does not eliminate you.
– PvP is disabled for hiders. Jumping is enabled during seeking.
– Seekers are given marbles. They don’t actually do anything.
– This game replaces the original Marbles game.
GAME 5: Glass Stepping Stones || Difficulty: 🙏
Jump across all the glass to the other side. One of each pair of glass platforms will be fragile. Stepping on it will break, causing the player to fall to the ground and die. The tempered glass can support any number of players.
– The number of fragile stepping stones is proportionate to the number of remaining players (i.e., the fewer the number of players, the fewer the number of fragile stones).
– Timer (minutes) = number of players remaining * 1
– There are 17 pairs of stepping stones.
– Order is determined by individual performance across Games 1 and 2. The worse performing players will go first.
– Once you have jumped onto the playing field, retreating to the starting platform will eliminate you.
– A safe path across to the other side is highlighted for 0.25 seconds before the game starts (red is fragile, blue is tempered).
– PvP is disabled.
– Don’t walk off the edge. That will also kill you.
GAME 6: PvP (Squid Game) || Difficulty: ⚔️
There are no rules in this game. There are four lootable chests on the squid. The last man standing is the winner.
– PvP is enabled. There is no attack cooldown.
– No timer.
– The contents of the chests can be changed (the cloned chests are two blocks under the arena).
– There is heavy rain. Movement will be slower than normal.
– Jumping is enabled.
– This game replaces the original Squid Game.
Wait times can be skipped by pressing the green button. There is also a secret night-time PvP game in here somewhere.
- Minecraft Version: 1.17.1 (Spigot/Paper)